Can you see yourself here? We can.

Registered Massage Therapist: Full-time/Part-time/Long-term: Mornings 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (possibility of Sundays as well).

Physiotherapists: Full-time/Part-time/Long-term

Office Manager - Position Filled

The Office Manager is what we refer to as The Lab Coordinator. This role takes care of the schedule, prepares the space for patient visits, and gives our team the tools to do their jobs well.

Specifics of the role: Great customer service and attention to detail, some bookkeeping experience is a plus, big picture thinking, and room to expand the role to include social media & website updates.

Cool co-workers, sunny space, daily coffee recreation plan, we just need you! For more details email Jade.

Hours: 8:30 am-5:00 pm (some flexibility available)
This is a salaried position, with benefits


The People

We have Mountain Bikers, Road Bikers, Skiers, Boarders, Equestrians, Golfers, Surfers, and Tiny House Dwellers. People with kids, People with pets, People who love this town.

The Culture

We believe the team that plays together, grows together. Come bike with us and have a beer. Let’s do a yoga class or go for a coffee. We are more than our job title and we want to see you.

*Updated March 16, 2024

Please send resume and cover letter to